Volunteer Opportunities
At Mechanicsville Elementary the PTA runs a variety of activities, each offering different volunteer opportunities. Below is a short description of each event/activity. Please sign up using the link below. We are thankful for any help we can receive, and are available to answer any questions you may have as well!
Membership Committee
Help plan membership incentives and staff PTA table at back to school events.
Update and organize classroom directory with students and parent information.
Recruit homeroom parents
Corporate Donations
Contact local businesses and schedule fundraisers from restaurants, stores, or local businesses
Cultural Arts
In charge of researching and scheduling Cultural Arts programs for students at MES three times a year
Coordinate with Principal for schedule
Family Fun Events
Trunk or Treat - Volunteers work to set up a Halloween event to include trunk or treat, food, drinks, cake walk, dance, etc.
Holiday Party - Volunteers plan and execute a winter holiday party for MES families.
Spring Fling Event - There will be games, activities, a silent auction and fun for all!
Fifth Grade Farewell
Responsible for organizing the 5th grade ceremony and picnic
Coordinating with 5th grade teachers and administration.
Mustang Mile
Organization of our Fall Fun Run fundraiser
Assisting in set up of the course, obstacles, and promotion of fundraising for prizes
Responsible for taking pictures of students at MES, uploading them to the yearbook website and organizing them on the pages of the yearbook
Coordinating sale and distribution of yearbooks
Play Day
Responsible for coordinating volunteers for every event/game on Play Day for all grades
Purchase and distribute popsicles at the end of the day to the students.
Carroll County Public Schools also requires any school volunteers to complete a training course prior to any volunteer activities. To complete this and for more information regarding this training process, click here.